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    10 Steps To Boost Your Site’s Crawlability And Indexability

    To rank higher on search engine platforms, you must focus on the website’s crawlability and indexability. First and foremost, we need to understand what these two terms mean. Crawlability can be described as the search engine’s ability to access and crawl content on a page. As long as there are no broken links or dead ends on your website, crawlability is going to work smoothly. On the other hand, indexability can be described as the search engine’s ability to analyse and add a page to its index. If you can boost your site’s crawlability and indexability, it is bound to improve the rank of your website on search engines. You have to go step by step to boost your site’s crawlability and indexability.

    Here’s How You Can Boost Crawlability & Indexability

    Improving Page Loading Speed

    Does your website take all the time in the world to load pages? It’s not a good situation at all. You can get in touch with quality SEO services in Parramatta like Zeal Digital to improve the page loading speed efficiently. In case you don’t know if the website speed is normal or slow, you can check it on Google Search Console. You can also use a platform like Screaming Frog to check the speed of your website. If things are going slow, you can use different methods to solve the issue. Some of these methods include upgrading your server or hosting platform, enabling compression, minifying CSS etc.

    Making Quality Internal Link Structure

    To boost your site’s crawlability and indexability, you have to focus on the internal link structure as well. You have to make sure it has quality as both the crawlability and indexability of the website will be improved based on this factor. Your homepage should link to subpages supported by pages further down the pyramid. If you can create a neat link between different web pages of your website, you will reap its rewards by ranking higher on social media platforms.

    Provide Your Sitemap To Google

    A sitemap is a crucial aspect to work on here. With the help of a firm with good SEO services in Parramatta, you can create it efficiently. If you have made the changes to your website only recently, search engines should know about it as soon as possible. With the changes that you have made in your content, you can also make a sitemap accordingly. A sitemap is very important because it serves as a roadmap for search engines with direct links to every page on your site. To boost your site’s crawl ability and indexability, you have to create a tight roadmap.

    Update Robots.txt Files

    In case you don’t know what a Robots.txt file is, it’s a plain text file in your website’s root directory. It is vital because it tells search engine crawlers how you would like them to crawl your site. If you want to manage bots efficiently and control the traffic on your website, Robot.txt files are going to be helpful. If you’re using outdated versions of these files, you have to contact a firm providing SEO services in Parramatta like Zeal Digital. If you can update these files, you will efficiently tell Google how you would like your website to be crawled.

    See Your Canonicalisation

    When you use canonical tags, you can consolidate signals from different URLs into a single URL. When you have to ignore multiple versions of pages and index the pages of your wants, using canonical tags will be beneficial. With the help of a good firm providing SEO services in Parramatta, you can check your canonicalisation. If there are rogue tags, you can remove them through a URL inspection tool.

    Doing Site Audit

    Another thing that you can work on to boost your site’s crawlability and indexability is to audit your website. What’s your indexability rate? You should know about it and see if things can be fixed or not. Your indexability rate is the number of pages in Google’s index divided by the number of pages on your website. If there’s a new page on your website, you should index it as soon as possible with the help of an experienced SEO services firm in Parramatta like Zeal Digital.

    Checking For Low-Quality Or Duplicate Content

    You cannot bargain with the content on your website. You have to ensure that it is of the highest quality. If you’re using bad grammar or content that’s originally belonging to another website, you have to get rid of it as soon as possible. You need to come up with high-quality content so that you can boost your site’s crawlability and indexability.

    Eliminate Redirect Chains And Internal Redirects

    You have to make things very simple for the users as well as search engines. If you have a long redirect chain and internal redirects are too many, you have to get these things fixed. It is about handling them properly. If you feel that they need to be helping the website to push further, getting quality SEO services in Parramatta is the ideal solution to eliminate them.

    Fixing Broken Links

    It is about making your website as smooth and clean as possible. Broken links can hamper the overall quality of the website. It is bound to have an impact on your site’s crawlability and indexability as well. You can either redirect, update or remove the broken links.


    It can be described as a protocol through which you can simultaneously submit URLs on different search engines. It will boost your site’s crawlability and indexability since it provides crawlers with a roadmap to your site upfront. The implementation is simple; you just have to generate an API key.

    You can hire us at Zeal Digital for quality SEO services in Parramatta. We will focus on both aspects and ensure your website improves its ranking on search engine platforms.
    By hiring quality SEO services in Parramatta, you can follow these steps smoothly. We are sure that the crawlability and indexability of your website will improve after this, helping it to stand out amidst the competition!

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