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    11 Tips For Promoting Your Local Business On Instagram

    Social networks are becoming fundamental tools for companies that want to have a good digital presence and increase public engagement with their brand. It is no coincidence therefore, that Instagram for business is so successful for the local companies, providing great results for them.

    Below we have listed 11 tips on how to use Instagram for business in order to generate engagements and, consequently, increase sales.

    Repost content from your followers

    One of the ways to promote your business locally using Instagram is to frequently repost content posted by local followers, celebrities or other companies in the area. That is, of course, if these contents are somehow related to your company.

    This strategy, in addition to being effective and helping to create a stronger digital presence, ends up being more practical.

    Demonstrate the benefits generated by the products or services

    As Instagram is a very visual social network, it is the ideal platform to demonstrate the benefits generated by your business in the lives of local customers.

    By posting photos, videos or infographics of a particular product in action, customers are able to know what it could do for their lives and this strengthens the overall brand equity and encourages quick and accurate decision making.

    Always interact

    Replying to comments is a great way to start increasing your business’s participation on the social network, whether or not those comments are questions. It is important to explain matters specially if there are complaints.

    Produce quality content

    Today, Local SEO is one of the most effective techniques to promote a business according to its location.

    However, it is necessary to be aware of some factors, especially the quality of publications made on the platform. If you really intend to promote a local business on Instagram, create the best visual content possible.

    Maintain brand identity

    Your company needs to be present on some social networks because of its reach and business potential. Therefore, it is important to keep it even within platforms, such as Instagram for business.

    In addition, consistency across all platforms is important, especially regarding the language and tone used by the brand in order to communicate with users.

    Identify location in posts

    Although it seems obvious, especially since people are talking about ways to promote a local business on Instagram, many companies end up forgetting to include the location in the posts made on the platform. However, if you want followers to know where your business is located, this is critical.

    Avoid always publishing the same content

    Each social network has its own characteristics and it is important to take them into account when producing content. Because it is very visual, Instagram is an ideal platform for great images and few texts. Facebook, in turn, allows for a wider variety of formats.

    The important thing is not to publish exactly the same content on all social networks constantly.

    Invest in localised hashtags

    In the case of Instagram, using localised and specific hashtags is also an excellent Local SEO strategy. Inserting the correct hashtags in each post allows the local community to find and respond to your posts.

    Put the website link in the bio

    As important as knowing how to advertise your website on Google is important, there is a way to increase your traffic without having to spend money, that is, using Instagram for business. To do this, simply insert the website link within the company’s profile on the social network, more specifically in the bio.

    Follow the trends

    Want another way to promote your Local Business on Instagram? Try this: follow the trends. Always take advantage of the popularity of a topic related to the company and create attractive content to publish on the social network. For this, it is necessary to always be aware of local events and trends.

    Track the results obtained with Instagram Business

    Finally, always follow the results obtained from Instagram and analyse what needs to be improved. Everything online changes very fast, including the needs and preferences of your audience, so it’s important to be aware and act accordingly.


    After reading through all this important information, it will make it much easier to promote your company through Instagram for business. So it is best to consult with a social media service in Sydney and start your journey today.

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