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    25 ChatGPT Examples For Digital Marketers & Seos

    ChatGPT has been the talk of the town since it was launched late last year. Using artificial intelligence as a means to have human-like conversations is a path-breaking move. It can also generate unique text, making things more interesting about it. So many businesses are running after this technology for the benefit of their websites. This holds great potential for digital marketers & SEOs as well. With the help of a leading SEO company like Zeal Digital, you can begin to understand it better. We are going to take a look at 25 ChatGPT examples for Digital Marketers & SEOs: 

    Expressions In Analytics Reporting 

    ChatGPT can be helpful in analytics reporting. You can use regular expressions for the job such as Google Search Console (GSC) or Google Analytics (GA). You might get tired of putting these expressions over and over again. Therefore, you should give the job to ChatGPT and breathe easy. 

    Composing SQL Queries 

    Another good aspect of ChatGPT is that it can help you to compose SQL queries as well. It can build the query for you which can be used to extract valuable data without sampling from the dataset. 

    Making Complex Spreadsheet Formulas 

    The spreadsheet is a part and parcel of office life. You have to create certain spreadsheet formulas that will work on an entire sheet or a group of sheets. Instead of doing it on your own, you can hire ChatGPT to do the job instead. 

    Knowing About Audience Personas 

    If you need to know the behaviour of your customers, you will have to deal with things manually. Another ChatGPT example is that you can do such an operation automatically too. It doesn’t mean that you have to rely on this tool completely. But you can give it a try when your marketing leader is busy somewhere else. 

    S.M.A.R.T. Goals 

    There are certain objectives that you need to achieve from time to time for your business to grow further. With ChatGPT, you can get ideas for your company using the prompt S.M.A.R.T. goals for SaaS “<company name>.” 

    SWOT Analysis 

    It’s necessary to conduct a SWOT analysis from time to time to know the actual capabilities of a business and where it stands. But if the employees are busy with some other operations, leave this job to ChatGPT. A leading SEO company like Zeal Digital will always advise you to use this platform for SWOT analysis regarding different departments. 

    Crafting A Newsletter 

    Are you dropping a sale for your customers on the weekend? You have to promote it well to reach out to the customer base. Another ChatGPT example is that it is going to help you reach that customer base. It will craft a newsletter that gives the needed information regarding the sale. 

    Creating A Social Media Post 

    As you know, social media platforms are increasing from time to time. You have to travel across the popular ones to promote your business right. Instead of hiring more employees to deal with more social media platforms, hand this job out to ChatGPT, a chatbot that will save you time in making such a post. 

    Sales Pitch 

    Although the sales department can deal with the sales pitch efficiently, a new business might not have a sales team at all. Another example of using ChatGPT is that it can be used to pitch sales too.

    Writing Ad Copy 

    A big advantage of using ChatGPT is that you can write ad copy quickly with its assistance. You can describe the number of characters that you would like to have in the ad copy. The rest of the job will be done by ChatGPT. 

    Generating FAQs Schema 

    No matter which type of FAQ schema you would like to generate, ChatGPT is going to do the job successfully. You can generate any kind of schema with its help. 

    Crafting A Job Description 

    Do you need to hire new people in your organisation? In such a case, you will have to craft the ideal job description to attract the best talent. If you have no one available to do this job, you can trust ChatGPT to craft a beautiful job description for you. 

    Generating How To Schema 

    It’s going to work similarly to the FAQs schema. Once the schema has been prepared by ChatGPT, you can replace sample image URLs. 

    Generate htaccess Redirect Rules 

    Since the dynamics regarding SEO changes from time to time, an experienced SEO company like Zeal Digital will have to redirect rules from time to time. Since ChatGPT can generate htaccess Redirect Rules, it will save the burden for the company. 

    Make Robot.txt Rules 

    The SEO agency has to use these rules quite often too. By creating them with the help of ChatGPT, you can prevent Google from crawling your PPC campaign landing pages. 

    Connect To APIs And Coding 

    Not every SEO agency has programming skills. If there’s a necessity to connect to APIs and coding, ChatGPT will again come to the rescue. 

    Generating Related Keywords & Synonyms 

    There might be a particular keyword that the SEO agency can use to promote your content. But one keyword isn’t enough, you need many of them to gain more audience. You can generate related keywords & synonyms through ChatGPT. 

    Getting Keyword Ideas 

    You may also get keyword ideas through this platform. Just let ChatGPT know the reasons behind these ideas. 

    Organising Cluster Of Keywords 

    When you get ideas and generate several keywords, the job is to cluster them nicely. You can use the command “Cluster list of keywords based on their semantic relevance” and ChatGPT will do its work. 

    More Insights To The Search Intent 

    If you need to get more details about the search intent, you can use this chatbot. It will give you more insights into the search query. 

    Creating Meta Descriptions 

    You have to copy and paste the text into ChatGPT and it will be capable of creating meta descriptions for the same. Define the characters and give the command. This is a great example that shows you how well ChatGPT works.

    Generating Article Titles 

    Finding it hard to generate a title for your content? Ask for the recommendation of ChatGPT and it will quickly give it.

    Generating FAQs With Answers 

    You can generate a thousand FAQs along with answers that are relevant to your content. Instead of wasting your own time on it, let ChatGPT handle the job. 

    Optimise Featured Snippets 

    To create a description for the pictures in your content or if you need to know better how to use it, take help from this chatbot. 

    Suggest Heading Tags 

    Get the suggestion for heading tags too. It will help you in making your content more structured. 

    That’s not it! There are many more ChatGPT examples, making its use really versatile. Hire Zeal Digital, one of the best seo companies in Sydney, and we will help you understand its dynamics in a better way.


    Even if you need it for personal reasons, you can always bank on it. The platform can surely entertain you thoroughly. But from a business perspective, it could make a huge impact.

    You might not know the exact questions that need to be asked to solve your concerns. Therefore, you would need an SEO agency like Zeal Digital to do the job for you!

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