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    3 Changes Coming to Google Ads Automated Extensions

    If you want to market your content, there’s no better way of doing so than choosing Google ads for the role. It will benefit you in a big way, considering the huge reach of Google. When you hire the best PPC company around you in Sydney, one like us at Zeal Digital, you will have great control regarding how you spend your money. Google ads keep bringing changes to the platform. Recently, it has brought three major changes to its automated extensions. As you know, automated extensions are created so that they can improve the performance of your website one way or the other. Here are the 3 changes that we are talking about:

    1. Automated And Manual Extensions to Be Shown Together 

    One of the major changes to Google ads automated Extensions is that it will be seen along with manual extensions. The changes will be brought to effect in mid-March, and it can be helpful to you in many ways. Suppose you have created two site links on your own. Once the changes are brought to effect, Google ads are going to show two different sitelinks for the cause. It means that it will be showing a total of four sitelinks when both the extensions are brought together by Google ads.

    2. Reports 

    Another change brought by Google to its automated extensions program is that it will provide a report for automatically created extensions. It is difficult to judge how this feature is going to help your content and marketing in any way. If the PPC agency that you have hired is finding it hard to figure things out, Google will do the job on its own for you. With the help of this reporting, you can get accurate results regarding the effectiveness of Google Ads automated extensions. If you want to see it, you can go to the table view of the Extensions page to find the results.

    3. Possibility Of Adding at Group, Campaign or Account Level 

    This is another change that will be brought by the middle of March on this platform. This feature will allow you to serve sitelinks, callouts, and structured snippets from higher levels with extensions of the same type at lower levels. So if you’re finding it hard to understand how these levels work, they have both been brought to the even-playing field now.

    These are some great benefits of the changes that are going to be brought to Google ads automated extensions. One of the best changes is the one where reports about automated extensions will be available to you. When you hire a PPC agency like us at Zeal Digital, you can analyze these reports beautifully. In case there are some underperforming or unimpressive extensions, you can get rid of them completely and focus on the ones that are providing you with the results.

    You will get a better idea about these changes once they are brought to reality. From the outset, things look quite impressive on Google ads automated extensions with these changes!

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