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    Are 301 Redirects a Google Ranking Factor?

    A 301 redirect, also called a permanent redirect, indicates to search engines and browsers that a page is no longer available at its old address and that its new URL must now be taken into account. But the main question is 301 Redirects a Google Ranking Factor?

    To help you better understand what a 301 redirect is, let’s start by explaining the process that results in a browser displaying the content of a page. When an internet user types a URL address which they wish to access in their browser, the latter sends a request to the remote server which responds with an HTML code accompanied by an HTTP header. This header contains a three-digit entry that provides information about the status or state of the requested resource. When all is well and there are no technical problems, code 200 (OK) is sent. The browser can therefore display the page directly to the user. A SEO specialist in Sydney can help you in resolving such issues easily, and enhance your business profile.

    The 301 is also useful for engine robots. It tells them that the old URL no longer exists and that they should now index the new version. The process of integrating this modification can however be longer or shorter depending on the case.

    301 Redirects Are A Ranking Factor

    A 301 redirect is a server-side redirect that points to a URL that has changed permanently.
    For the following cases, a 301 redirect would be used:

    • You’re making the transfer from HTTP to HTTPS.
    • You’re switching from one domain to another.
    • For existing posts and pages, you optimise URL slugs.
    • Your pages will change from “” to “” as you transition to a new website platform.

    What Are The Benefits Of A 301 Redirect For Google Ranking?

    Using a 301 redirect has many SEO benefits for a site. It makes it easy to make technical readjustments without fear of plummeting in the SERP and losing your visitors.

    • Invisible to users
      Typically, a 301 is invisible to your site visitors. The browser executes the server instructions and displays the new page directly, without presenting any error or wait messages. For a user to notice the redirection, he must have his eyes glued to the address bar of his browser, which is unlikely.
    • Preserves the SEO Juice of the pages
      When you redirect a page in 301, you don’t have to worry about losing its precious SEO juice. All the popularity of the old page, as well as its backlinks, will be transferred to the new destination by the engine’s algorithm. Not a drop of SEO juice will be wasted in the process!
    • Performance maintenance
      As we have just pointed out, after a permanent redirect, the new page inherits all the power of the old page (URL) which has been removed. Therefore, it maintains its SEO performance. There is therefore no reason to fear a loss of position on the SERP of Google and its competitors or a downgrade after the implementation of your redirect.

    How To Check If A 301 Redirect Is In Place?

    To check the correct implementation of your redirect, you can use one of the many free test tools available online. All you have to do is enter the URL to test and then run the check. The tool will tell you the response code (200, 301 or 302) and the HTTP header sent by the server. Hire the best SEO company in Sydney to rank your site by reducing all the technical errors from the site.

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