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    Google Business Profile Guidelines Updated To Include Products

    Google business is a great way to promote your business and reach the correct target audience. It gives you exposure to your business and also helps you build a good reputation. Since recognition in the market is one of the topmost things you need to work on while your business is growing, Google business can help you with it. Apart from giving you a boost in marketing, it also helps you organise your information. You can mention your contact details, address, and other details so that the customers can reach you easily.

    In the recent update, Google business profile guidelines were updated to include products. This means that now you can list your unique selling products even if you are a storefront business. By this, your customers can know what they are looking for and have clarity of your business. It also helps you to promote your products to a bigger audience. Google business profile guidelines are updated every once in a while. Therefore, you need to understand what they are and how everything works.
    Here is a complete guide on everything you need to know about Google business Profile guidelines:

    Features Of A Google Business Profile

    Before understanding the Google business profile guidelines, let’s look into some of the benefits of having an account in the first place.

    Simple Sign-in

    The first step to getting a Google business profile is to sign in with your Google account. It is known for a fact that Google sign in is an easy task. Your business profile will automatically link to your Google account so that you do not have to log in every time you want to access the account. Since Google has the option to save your passwords securely, signing into your account becomes quicker and easier.

    Customized The Details By Yourself

    Your business details are an essential part of your Google business profile. Google allows you to customise and update your details once you have made an account. You can also add notifications so that you do not miss anything. Moreover, you can edit your product listings accordingly. This allows you to constantly keep your listings up-to-date so that your customers always get the latest product details.

    Easy To Manage And Organize

    Another important feature of a Google business profile is that it is very easy to manage. The user-friendly interface lets you easily navigate through your profile and customise it according to your business plan. The data organisation is also convenient to access. All important and premium quality features are completely free when it comes to Google’s business profile.

    Expand Your Presence

    The best part of this is that you can expand your presence on a global level. This means that once your Google business profile is ready, you can acquire customers and display your presence on a wider scale. With the recent update, you can now list all your products even if you have a storefront business. This helps your customers compare what you are selling with what they are looking for.

    The New Google Business Profile Guidelines

    With the changing algorithm, Google keeps everything up-to-date. Therefore, it also releases guidelines so that the users can easily understand these changes and tweak their websites and profiles accordingly. In the new Google business profile guidelines that have been released, they have mentioned some essential changes that can help your business rank higher.
    Here are the latest Google Business Profile guidelines:

    How It Works

    This update has been implemented keeping in mind the storefront businesses. If you are one, you can benefit from this update by following the guidelines. Once you have updated your Google Business Profile and enlisted your top products, they get displayed in the form of a carousel when the customers click on your business pinpoint on Google maps. If your customers are using Google search, they can view these products on the “Products” tab.
    Your customers can:

    • View the product details by clicking on a particular product card.
    • Have an overview of the enlisted product.
    • Contact you to find out more about the products.
    • Give product reviews and feedback.

    How To Add Your Products

    Google has the simplest way of doing things. Therefore, adding your products is also easy and convenient. You can add them in two ways:

    • Manually with the Google product editor which allows you to add your products and link them to your Google business profile.
    • You can use Pointy which helps you organise your product data and link them to your Google business profile.

    After you have added and listed your products, you can get a preview of how they will look once you finally update them. To do this, you can simply click on the “See it on Google” option that appears after some time once you have uploaded your product’s details.

    Other Things To Keep In Mind

    In addition to all these Google business profile guidelines, there are some other things you need to keep in mind so that your business profile does not get rejected by Google. Google has made it clear that it will not allow regulated products like pharmaceuticals, alcohol, gambling, tobacco, financial services, other unapproved supplements, and health & medical devices. If you violate any of the guidelines that Google has mentioned, your products can get rejected which can, in turn, affect your overall Google business profile. Therefore, understanding the Google business profile guidelines is a must before you set up your products.

    In recent times, Google’s business profile has become a huge success in terms of marketing and recognition of small businesses. They give you proper exposure to your target audience and help your customers reach out to you very easily. Also, Google has made it convenient for business merchants to add, edit, and showcase various details of their business. With the new update that allows you to add your products and their details, product marketing becomes very prominent. Since social media marketing in Sydney is prevalent, setting up a Google business profile can give you an upper hand when it comes to promoting your business!

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