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    Google May 2020 Core Update – All You Need to Know

    It was just recently that the world’s most trusted and used search engine, Google made some major changes in its algorithms. If you want to know how big the change was then the statistics conducted by SEMrush Sensor suggests that the SERP volatility has been reported to be the highest in the last 30 days. 

    It is because of this all-new and latest Google May 2020 core update due to which the traffic calculation of all the sites has drastically changed. There are many websites which were ranking on the top before May and now; they have all collapsed because the traffic on the site reduced to almost zero. 

    Now the question which must be popping in your mind is how has traffic on your website been affected? Well, if you haven’t checked it, then you must do so and if you see a sudden drop in your traffic, then we advise you to not panic.  Some of the industries which witnessed the major drop are travel, health, hospitality, pets and animals and fashion. If you want to know the name of the websites which witnessed this sudden decrease in the traffic, then they are,,, and LinkedIn. 

    The important things you need to know about the core Google May update 

    You would need to update your content frequently 

    There is no denying to the fact that quality content is very important and it is also the major reason behind the increase in your traffic. By the above-mentioned line- update your content frequently, we do not mean to say that people will now have to start posting new content every day rather than what they do now (posting weekly or in 4-5 days regularly). Instead, people will also need to keep updating their old content as well. It was studied that less than 5% of websites witnessed the dip in traffic less than 10% because they were constantly updating their old content along with posting new content as well. 

    Keep a check on your thin content and fix if any errors

    If you feel that any page on your website has thin content or has poor content quality, then take immediate actions to fix this.  According to the reference picked from the Neil Patel blog, we have found out that more than 45% of websites have at least one landing page which has thin content. Almost 127 numbers of sites have lost huge traffic just because they had thin content. Therefore, if you don’t want the same to happen to you, then start fixing this as soon as possible. Now the question arises, how to improve thin content? Below we mention three things that you should keep in mind while fixing thin content. 

    Ask these questions to yourself while working on your thin content-

    • Is your web page lacking a large volume of words? If yes, then add more words and relevant information. 
    • How does your web page look in comparison to your competitor’s website page? 
    • Is the content on your page relevant? 

    Immediately start fixing your SEO errors

    In our close observation of data of the sites which had been hard hit due to this core Google update, we found that websites which have a higher number of SEO related errors have witnessed a comparatively larger dip in their traffic. One should avoid using duplicate Meta tags, copied contents, and so much more. How can you fix this problem? At the moment the only way out and the most effective solution to this problem is that you should start fixing the SEO errors of your website one by one and as fast as you can. If you think, you need an expert for the same, then look for one and get started super soon. 

    These are the major details of Googles’ May core update. Even if you follow these above-mentioned tips and suggestions we cannot guarantee that your website and traffic will not be hampered by it at all. This is because, as the days are passing and people become more aware on the internet, Google is striving hard to improve the quality of the content and information present online so that it can ensure best user- experience. 

    Another reason why your website may still have a chance of suffering a sudden drop in traffic is that even when you keep these tips in mind is that all websites are different. This difference means that different parameters are applied to different types of websites. 

    Our best advice is that all you can do is be vigilant of changes and seek assistance to constantly review and improve the relevance of SEO of your website. You cannot afford to just leave it alone if you want to stay relevant.   

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