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    Google On the SEO Impact of Changing Page Titles Every Day

    With time and age, more websites are developing on the internet. Every small business is trying its best to come up with an efficient website that reaches out to a large section of the audience. If it ranks well on Google, there’s no need to try other fancy methods to promote your content. You will have to find some quality SEO services in Sydney like us at Zeal Digital to start ranking on any given search engine. There are all kinds of unique activities performed on all kinds of websites to rank higher on Google.

    One of the common practices right now is to change the title of the page on an everyday basis. You will see a lot of websites changing the title of their content from time to time. Is there any advantage associated with the frequent change in the titles? We will talk about the features of changing the title of your content on an everyday basis:

    1. Impact On Search Results 

    If you feel that hiring some amazing SEO services in Sydney and changing the title of your content every day is going to allow you to improve your ranking on Google, you need to know a few facts here. We are not saying that changing titles wouldn’t have an impact at all. Google updates the search results once a week and sometimes once a month too. So if you think that you can bring drastic changes to the popularity of your content and website by changing the topics on a routine basis, you’re completely wrong. Since Google updates search results once a week, changing your title every day wouldn’t have some major changes to the search results.

    2. Major Difficulties 

    There are times when updating your title every day can do more harm than good to your website. Suppose you change the title daily and keep using some attractive headlines thanks to some solid help from SEO services in Sydney. Would Google re-crawl your content daily? There are high chances that Google stops doing so thanks to the fact that you keep changing the titles daily. If it goes on to be the case, it’s only a waste of time to change the titles of your content. You can use the SEO services in other ways that prove to be effective to rank higher on search results.

    3. Get Assistance from Google Search Console’s Index Report 

    We would recommend that you stop changing the titles blindly every day and seek the obvious results. You can take the help of the Index report coming from the Google search console. When you reach this report, you will have a great idea about how often Googlebot crawls your pages. If it is doing so every day, you can keep changing the title of your content daily. But in case it does so once a week or a month, you should stop changing titles regularly as it will only be a waste of time.

    If you’re not able to understand whether to change page titles every day or not, it is better to hire our SEO services in Sydney. We at Zeal Digital will relieve you from the stress and help you rank higher on Google!

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