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    How Low-Volume Keyword Strategy Can Get You High-Value Clients

    What do you see when you search a particular concept on Google or any other search engine platform? The answer isoften overwhelming content, most of which will not be useful to you.

    The internet is all about CONTENT. For a business to survive and grow, the right content will be the bridge to connect your business to prospective customers. The right content will provide customers with the information they need to make informed decisions to buy a product or service from you. Content plays a vital role in the overall Search Engine Optimization of a business website.

    Keywords are a crucial part of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Web Content writing. Keywords are: words and phrases that identify what people are searching for, words and phrases that describe the topics you write about

    In an ideal world, these keywords are the same, bridging the gap between your content and your audience, and helping them to find it.

    The essential factor that can improve the ranking of the website or webpage on various search engine platforms can be achieved by the identification and the selection of effective keywords. Keywords are classified on different basis like volume (popularity), CPC (cost per click) values, Competitive usage, etc.

    Low Volume keywords are keywords with fewer searches. The number of people who search the keyword and land on the website determines the volume of the keyword. You can check all these factors on various keyword research websites. The data provided for the keywords usually denotes the volume and keyword in descending order. Hence low volume keywords are usually at the lower end of the list.

    However, this does not mean that low volume keywords do not bring paying customers, in fact, the ratio of conversion of visitors on the website into paying customers is more than most popular keywords.

    The only thing required to make this happen is a focused approach. The keywords need to be made in such a manner that the search engine ranks the website in the top 5 to 10 results. This is not possible using high volume keywords since the number of websites using the keyword is very high and the competition also rises. Hence ranking in the top results becomes tough. 

    Having a focussed keyword helps you to rank at a higher result in a smaller but effective niche. The chances of getting a paying customer is higher as the customer’s needs coincide with what you are selling

    Benefits of the approach-

    This approach has the potential to provide better results because:

    • Truncated competition- low volume keywords are low volume because very few people are using them. Hence, if the pool is small, then you can become the big fish here by using these keywords but providing better content. Big fish meaning a dominant competitor, you can have a higher ranking in the searches when the specific keywords are applied to search.
    • Aiming at the audience- Since the usage of the keyword is very focussed, only the people who possess the relevant knowledge can make such queries, and only such potential customers will land on your website who are potential customers.

    Different ways of using low-volume keywords-

    For using low volume keywords to our advantage, the most critical aspect is planning. If the strategies are too complicated and unreliable, then the whole process will not work. Hence proper thought and fool-proof tactics are required. Such an approach can be fine-tuned by understanding the psychology of the customer whom you want to visit your company website. 

    Some useful, tried-and-tested strategies that are sure to work, include:

    • Intercepting Intercept Keywords are highly persuasive

    The goal is to avoid over-educating a customer, as it can be assumed that the customer has relevant knowledge about the product and the service they want to purchase. Instead, more emphasis is given to the motivation factor so that the client decides to purchase based on motivation alone. This business strategy is entirely ethical. The customer has the right to choose and buy from anyone they prefer. The impact of this strategy is in the final decision-making stage, where the buyer already knows about the product and has compared your products with the offerings of industry rivals. Your customers will hopefully have a long-lasting relationship with you, so you need to persuade your potential customers that they should trade with you.

    • Piggyback Keywords

     Piggybacking is a common term used for the associated growth of two companies. A dominant company’s product can be used as motivation for another related product. This phenomenon can be applied to keywords. The keywords constructed using brand names of dominant companies are examples of piggyback keywords. 

    These keywords can be subject to copyright claims and complaints can be filed by the company whose name is used in the keywords. This generally happens if the company name is used and highlighted negatively. To avoid such situations, you must be careful in choosing the keywords and have a regular check of the company name’s trademark and copyright policies. 

    The piggyback process works as follow: 

    The business that wishes to use another company’s dominance to its advantage has to create a product which is relevant to the dominant company’s main product and then use the dominant companies’ brand name for marketing their product. The dominant company cannot raise any claims as the keywords are not intended to harm the dominant companies’ policies or copyright.

    • Alternate Piggyback

    It is similar to piggyback keywords but the change happens in the product being offered for sale. Instead of creating and selling a product in your company’s name, you provide a portal to access a product created by a dominant company. In doing so, your ranking in search results is elevated because the product that is provided by the other company can be accessed from your website with less hassle. Meanwhile, your website, along with providing the service of the product can recommend the visitor your own ‘better’ product or service. This new service is also yours, which is promoted as a backlink to your website.

    Hence this complete process can be viewed as creating an outsourcing option for the customer but at the same time ‘pitching’ your product without any open competition from the dominant company. This process is also called a ‘faster alternative’ to the previous two methods and can bear more results in less time and effort.

    How to get these Keywords?

    The keywords that make these SEO tactics work and provide more traffic on your website have to be chosen very carefully. 

    But how do we identify Keywords that will help your business to grow exponentially? 

    • First, finding the right product or tool or service to sell or provide. 
    • Second, choosing Keywords from popular Keyword research websites or portals by looking at the Volume, CPC, and Competition

    If these two conditions are met, then the Keyword can be successfully used to create maximum effect. 

    To find the keywords for specific strategies, follow the given instructions:

    • Intercept

    The keyword must indicate a well-informed customer and a customer in the decision-making stage. 

    To find a Keyword go to the ‘ahref’ website ( and look for the Keyword Explorer. After selecting the option, click on the all option in the suggestions button. Then type in the required words to make the Keyword and keep adding help words like faster, better, alternative, etc. to your keywords.

    • Piggyback

    For Piggyback Keywords, you need to find the company with the relevant product and then create organic keywords. The keywords can be selected from various websites like ahref, google keywords, etc. Once you choose your desired website, look for the keywords that contain the company’s name and classify them based on Volume. Choose the option with the least volume and more relevance to your product.

    • Alternative piggyback

    The research required for the alternative piggyback must contain the information of the popular product, service or tool you wish to provide. The keywords which have clear relevance to the product, service or tool. The keywords can be found similarly to the above two methods. The difference here is that the product, service or tool must be popular and must be presented precisely by selecting the correct keywords for the same.

    This is how companies should use low-volume keywords to attract high-volume clients. If these methods are incorporated adequately, then it would certainly help a company to grow and be profitable.

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