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    How Social Media Helps SEO

    Businesses should never ignore their website’s social media profiles. Not only does Social Media bring a lot of benefits of its own, but it helps your digital marketing avenues as well. That’s why experts believe that anyone who is trying to harness the true potential of SEO should work on their social media profiles simultaneously. 

    That being said, the relationship between both these entities (SEO & Social Media) is not so straightforward. If you are looking for a social media marketing company in Sydney, you should know a few things that bind SEO and social media together.

    Over the years, there have been countless discussions on whether there is a direct correlation between websites’ rankings and their social media profiles. So why do companies invest thousands of dollars in their social media marketing campaigns even though the verdict is not out there? 

    Well, aside from the people working at Google, no one knows what kind of an impact social media profiles have on the actual Google rankings. Various experts indicate that social media signals don’t influence Google SERP rankings directly. However, they have a relationship of some sort with the organic rankings that every digital marketer desperately wants. 

    What does it mean? 

    That simply means that websites which are seen at the top of particular SERPs on Google are highly likely to have strong social media profiles on their website. 

    In shorter words – social media profiles are important for your website’s ranking (even though they do not directly affect the rankings), and nothing suggests otherwise! 

    Role Of Social Media In SEO 

    It’s clear from the previous passage that social media is not considered to be a direct ranking factor for Google. However, that doesn’t mean you have to discard your website’s social media profiles altogether. 

    On the contrary, it’s important to invest in your social media profiles if you want to grow your organic traffic through SEO! 

    Are you interested to know the full extent of social media in Search Engine Optimisation? Then stick with us and read our piece on how social media helps SEO in 2022!

    • Helps In Boosting Your Content Performance

    Don’t tell us you are not using various social media handles to promote and share your website content. If that’s the case, you are missing a lot. It doesn’t matter if you have a brick-and-mortar business or a company that works on various technologies. You have to push your web content on social media platforms now and then! There’s no way around it! 

    Why even pay your copywriters and content writers a huge sum of money to create content when you do not share it anywhere else? It doesn’t make any sense. 

    By sharing the webpage’s link on your social media platforms, you will reach a much wider audience. That’s for sure! 

    The more the number of people who visit your website (through social media postings), the better the signal it gives to Google. Hence, you will see a massive improvement in SERP ranking thanks to social media marketing. 

    • Gain New Backlinks

    Yes, social media helps bring new traffic to your website pages. And that’s an excellent thing. But there are more reasons you should market your content on social media websites. One such reason is backlinking.

    That’s right. Every social media marketing company in Sydney will tell you how social media marketing helps acquire backlinks for your website. 

    Backlinks are important for every website. These entities show that your website is indeed relevant to the users as they are linking it to their content organically. The more valuable your content is the higher it’s ranking on the SERP. 

    So, it makes sense in investing in social media marketing, doesn’t it? Not only would they give solid backlinks to your website, but they would also share your content on their social media platforms. That’s the power of social media platforms, and one should never turn a blind eye to it! 

    • Several Search Terms Show Social Media Profiles On The SERP 

    You heard that right. There are times when social media profiles have ranked along with their website counterparts on the SERPs. This mainly happens when branded search terms are typed in by the users. 

    After all, if you can rank for branded search results, then why not? You can easily optimise your social media profiles for the same! 

    If you have a brand that people often search for, you are already one step closer to ranking your social media pages on the SERP. There are many people out there who want to see what’s on display on your social media pages. 

    You shouldn’t let go of such an opportunity and make the most of it whenever you can. Simply push your branded search terms through social media marketing now and then. Soon, you will see excellent results on the SERP! 

    • Drives More Traffic To Your Website

    At the end of the day, what’s your goal with social media marketing or SEO, for that matter? We believe it’s to increase the number of average visitors to your website and improve its visibility on the SERP. 

    Well, Social media and SEO go hand in hand. With an active social media page, you can bring a lot more traffic to your website than simply relying on SEO or paid advertising. It’s 2022, and people rely on social media platforms like never before. So, imagine the kind of traffic you can attract with a solid social media page of your website/business! 

    Besides, if your website is relevantly new, social media can help you a lot in your SEO efforts. SEO takes months and even years to show tangible results in terms of traffic and visibility on the SERP. That is why social media marketing should be one of your priorities while setting up SEO for your new website! 

    Visit any social media marketing company in Sydney. They will tell you the same! 

    Bottom Line 

    You should align your website’s SEO with social media marketing whenever you can. Both the entities have benefits of their own, which no company or business can overlook whatsoever. When you optimise both the SEO and Social Media Pages of your website, the results are far superior to any expectations! 

    So, if you are looking for a reliable social media marketing company in Sydney, come to us!

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