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    How To Effectively Perform Keyword Research For E-commerce

    When you’re running an online business, keyword research for e-commerce has a very crucial role to play. With the help of keywords, you can drive the required traffic to your website. You just need to be sure about those particular words that people search for on search engines while trying to get the details about the goods & services that your company supplies. When there are a large number of online businesses out there offering similar products and services, the right use of keywords becomes a must. You will also need the help of a successful SEO in Sydney like Zeal Digital to get the maximum exposure.

    Now that you know that keyword research for e-commerce plays a very important role, the next thing to understand is how to use these keywords for the best interest of your business. We will talk about various ways in which you can effectively perform keyword research for e-commerce:

    Search Volume

    You have to understand the concept of search volume well if you want to execute the keyword research for e-commerce in the best way possible. It can be referred to as the total number of searches each month for a particular keyword search phrase. The more the search volume of a particular keyword, the more you need to stress about using it to get more traffic to your website. At the same point in time, your competitors are going to stress on the same bunch of keywords too. Now the onus is on you to take the help of an SEO firm in Sydney like Zeal Digital and be ahead of the rest of the competition. So apart from stressing on keywords, you need to produce content that’s available in detail and provides all the necessary information to the visitors.

    Getting It From Trusted Sources

    You might be thinking about the sources that would help you in keyword research for ecommerce effectively. There are various sources out there but it becomes very important to choose those which can be trusted completely. Some of these sources are as below:


    Amazon is one of the leading e-commerce websites all around the world. So it is safe to say that it can be trusted completely when you need to find keywords for your website. You have to search for words related to your business. Suppose you’re selling mobile phones at a very competitive price. Now you need to particularly search for the words based on your goods & services and see the ones which are searched the most.

    Google Search

    The safest source to know about keywords is Google Search. When you have an SEO firm like Zeal Digital to assist you, things become simpler. But you have to make sure that you choose the most unique ways to present your content. Keyword research for e-commerce websites is very common through Google Search. So to stay ahead of the competition, you have to focus on bringing more details to your content.


    Yes, Wikipedia is quite a handy place to do keyword research for e-commerce websites. Wikipedia has detailed articles for almost any topic you can think of. Suppose you’re dealing in handbags. In such a case, you need to go to Wikipedia and find specific content related to handbags. At the bottom of the page, you will see various important words being highlighted. You can stress those keywords and make them a part of your content.

    Keyword Difficulty

    Another useful source to do keyword research for e-commerce better is Keyword Difficulty. It is also referred to as search engine optimisation difficulty. It is a score between zero and 100 that estimates how difficult it would be to rank on Google for your given keyword. If the keyword difficulty is high, it means that your chances of getting ranked by using such a keyword will be very low and vice versa. When you have an SEO company like Zeal Digital by your side, it becomes important to analyse the value of each keyword that you’re going to stress. You can still do with a smaller number of keywords. But using keywords that have a very high difficulty isn’t a good sign to rank on search engines.

    Search Relevance

    Another important tool that you need to know about keyword research for e-commerce is search relevance. As the name suggests, it is going to analyse how the search queries are related to the search results. Finding keywords is not a difficult task. You can easily go to a particular tool and find tons of keywords that you can use on your web page to drive traffic. But does it make sense? Are the keywords related to the content or you’re randomly putting it out there? You need to focus on quality more than quantity here. Using click baits is never a good option when you need to maintain a long-term relationship with your customers. The SEO firm in Sydney that you hire is going to suggest the same thing to you as well.

    As you can gather from the points mentioned above, keyword research for e-commerce needs to be done in a very careful manner. You have to make sure that each point is considered carefully so that you don’t regret your decision regarding keywords later on. To sum things up well, you have to focus on the following aspects:

    • Once you start using keywords, you need to see their results from time to time. If you’re driving the traffic that’s needed, it’s all going good. But if you’re not able to reach that mark, you need to change the keywords.
    • You have to consider search intent more than anything else. You need to focus on semantics, intent, and relevance as per Google Algorithm.
    • You need to choose trusted sources and tools to find the right type of keywords for your content.

    If you’re too confused about the whole process, just select Zeal Digital to do the efficient job required from a SEO firm in Sydney. We have been doing this successfully for years. You can be sure we will do keyword research for e-commerce in a manner that satisfies you and improves your website and business.

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