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    How To Use Python For IndexNow API Bulk Indexing & Automation?

    Demand for the valuable and perfect protocol for web and SEO experts developed by Microsoft Bing, IndexNow, is now rising among IT and digital marketing sectors. Besides, Yandex also accepted IndexNow to give an immediate message to the search engines regarding the API updates done on a webpage.

    Above and beyond that, the announcement of making the protocol easier to execute has added more value to it due to the quick sharing of submitted URLs between search engines. Reminding its benefits, IndexNow API has been considered by every SEO professional to excel in the race of being at the top position of search engines. Look for the best SEO Consultant in Sydney to rank your site in top positions.

    To make URL indexing work and manage effectively, Python works well here to automate URL submission to the protocol API or make the request to the protocol.

    Here is a quick step-by-step tutorial on using Python to automate IndexNow API bulk indexing:

    All You Need To Start For Python For Indexnow API

    Before getting started, all you need to implement must be ready with you on a prior basis –

    • Basic Python libraries and its packages (Requests, Pandas, and Advertools are mandatory)
    • Python syntax
    • API key and .txt file to authenticate it with specific HTTP headers

    Step 1: Import The Python Libraries

    For using the Python libraries for URL extraction, GET & POST requests, or taking URLs within sitemap in an inventory object, you need to import Advertools, Requests, and Pandas, respectively, for the same using the ‘import’ command. Apart from this, you might also need Time and JSON libraries if you want to stop the excessive request errors and modify the POST JSON object as required.

    Step 2: Extract Sitemap Urls Using Python

    There are different net scraping libraries, and strategies stated for scrappy or requests that you can use to extract URLs from a sitemap file. However, using Advertools – the Python web optimisation bundle – will help you automate without unnecessary issues. Just a single line code works perfectly for sitemap URLs extraction.

    Step 3: Take Urls In A List Object Using ‘to_list()’

    Python has the Pandas library to take data series into the list object that can allow you to do so using to_list(). Ensure to know the syntax for implementing this step:


    As a developer, the variables used here are pretty simple to understand their use and execute the code with proper syntax.

    Step 4: Know The Syntax Of Python For Indexnow Api

    Have a look at the URL syntax of IndexNow API stated below –
    Where, <searchenginename>  presents the name of the search engine,
    ?url states the URL to be submitted to search engine through IndexNow API,
    &key is the API key that needs to be used
    &KeyLocation can be used to get you the authentication of the website owner in the .txt version.

    Step 5: Gather Api Key For Indexnow And Upload It To The Root

    Use the valid key for using IndexNow API, and for that, you can go for the appropriate Microsoft Bing IndexNow API key generation.

    Step 6: Submit Urls Within The Sitemap To Indexnow Api

    For submitting a single URL to IndexNow, use ‘requests.get()’. Use it in a loop to make it more useful. All you need to do for submitting URLs in bulk to the IndexNow API is create a key variable, replace the <searchengine> part with the search engine you prefer, assign URLs from sitemap in a list to a variable, use .txt file, place URL, key and key location within the value. Next, begin your loop using requests.get().

    Step 7: Perform Http Post Request

    Performing HTTP post request to IndexNow API for URLs set, use JSON object with particular properties. Requests post is used for the post request.

    Step 8: Create A Custom Function To Make Time

    Create a custom function IndexNow API to reduce the time spent on the code writing/preparing. The custom function is made for bulk requests called “submit_url_set.”

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