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    Putting Dates in Title Tags- Good For SEO?

    If you’re running your website, you might be finding ways to rank higher on Google. You must work on SEO as much as possible to get things done. Finding an SEO specialist Near Sydney like us at Zeal Digital becomes essential to effectively do the search engine optimization of your website. There are all kinds of things that you can do on your website. But the question is, will putting dates in title tags help SEO in any manner? 

    It shouldn’t come as a surprise that you have to work on your title tag properly. If you would like to rank high on Google, you need to do various kinds of things efficiently and writing title tags is one of the things that you can try to do. It is one of the strongest SEO ranking factors. But will putting dates help in making it more efficient? 

    Let’s stop beating around the bush and get to the exact answer to this question. Title tags are an essential way to improve your SEO activities but putting dates has nothing to do with it. If you feel that your title tag will become more impressive with the help of dates, it’s not the case. The good thing is that it doesn’t hurt your SEO activities either. You should try to insert dates as long as the SEO specialist that you have hired doesn’t disagree regarding its insertion. There can be assorted reasons to put dates in title tags and some of those reasons are as follows: 

    • If your content is getting published on an everyday basis, you can try putting dates in the title tags. 
    • If some great changes have been made to your content, you can insert dates or dates into the mix and make it look different. 
    • In case you’re publishing news articles. Now putting dates on title tags would become reasonable if you’re putting the latest news. Suppose you’re covering the stock market in your content. It can fluctuate up and down on a routine basis and putting dates would allow people to know what happened with the stock market on a particular date. If you have hired an SEO specialist in Sydney to do the job, you should try to put things more efficiently and effectively. 

    As far as title tags are concerned, it plays a huge role in improving the rank of your website and content. To create high-impact title tags, you should consider doing the following things: 

    • Go through your post and make as many title tags as are relevant to the information you have put in your content. 
    • You need to go for unique titles. You must think about what customers would like to search regarding your content and it is unknown to your contemporaries. 
    • The details need to be SEO-specific. This is the technical aspect of things and a good SEO specialist in Sydney would deal with it in the best way. 

    As you can see, putting dates in title tags wouldn’t have an impact on the SEO of your website. But we have mentioned the other things that you can do to the title tags. Hire our services at Zeal Digital to know more about it! 

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